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MFF- Makeup Friend Forever


So, When You Think of Makeup, You Automatically Assume Color Cosmetics Right? Of Course, You Do, We All Do! However, Over the Summer While I Was Working & Seeking The “Why” Behind My Businesses & How I Was Supposed to Advance the Kingdom Through My Businesses God Took Me Deeper into The Meaning of Makeup. So, I Went Back to Webster & The Other Definition of Makeup Is the Composition of Something, Or How Something Is Made Up. He Then Revealed to Me My ‘Why’ Within My Businesses. 



My Story


Makeup Friend Forever Started as The Slogan to My Cosmetics Business Fayve Cosmetics, Because When I Started the Business, I Had This Idea in Mind That It Would Be Something I Could Share. I was Already The Friend That People Came To For Beauty Advice & Makeup Help So I Rocked With The Idea That I Was That Friend, So Instead Of A BFF, Since I Was Selling Makeup I’d Be A MFF, The Friend That You Could Count On To Keep You Looking Beautiful! God Expanded the Vision & Began to Show Me That I was Also the Friend That People Could Talk To, confide in and They Knew That I’d Always Know Just What to Say. These Kinds of Scenario Happened Frequently. I Never Tried Be That Friend; It Was Just A Part of who I was, My Makeup. I Found Myself Always Reminding the People I Love & Even Strangers How Amazing They Are & What They Possessed, But the Gag Is with All the Advice I Was Giving, I Wasn’t Living. You See, I  Was The Friend That Could Remind Others What They Were Made Of But I Didn’t Know What I Was Made Of, & This Year & Really Over The Course Of Many Years God Has Helped Me To Tap More Into That By Showing Me EXACTLY Who I Am In HIM! I Always Questioned How I Would Build A Brand Centered Around Showing Others How to Be Confident, To Love Themselves & How to Tap into Their Hidden Treasure and I Was Struggling Doing That for Myself. I Took So Many “Breaks” (What I Now Know Was Gods Grooming Process) Within My Business Because It Was Never More About the Money Than It Was About the Message. I Wasn’t Feeling My Business Because I Didn’t Want to Be Gimmicky or Fake & I Also Told God That I Wouldn’t Do Anything That Wasn’t Genuine or Authentic to Who I Am. Well Apparently He Heard Me & It Wasn’t Until Recently That I Realized That God Had Been Preparing The Messenger to Release The Message & Now I’m Ready Because I’m Finally Equipped To Speak About Tapping Into The Treasure He Has Placed Inside Of Each & Every One Of Us To Produce What He Placed Us Here To Produce. It’s Not Until You Come to Understand What You’re Made of That You’re Truly Able to Operate in Purpose & Live the Life We All Desire & That’s Not Easy to Do Alone & So MFF Was Born!


What Is An MFF?


An MFF (Makeup Friend Forever) Is the Friend You Need! Someone Who You Can Count on To Remind You Who You Are & What You’re Made of First, While Simultaneously Making Sure That You Look Good! An MFF Helps You Do Both! They’re the Friend Who Helps You Check in With What’s Happening Inside of You & The Friend That Won’t Let You Leave the House Without Representing! Your MFF Gives Tough Love Because They Understand That There’s Greater in You & They Will NOT Allow You to Live Beneath that greatness! They Will Not Allow You to Settle Because They Hold You in High Regard. An MFF See’s You Even When You Can’t See Yourself & They’ll Stop at Nothing to Make Sure That You Come to See Yourself the Way God Sees You, Prosperous, Whole & Reigning! MFF’s Pray & Slay Together! This Relationship Is Safe, Sacred & Secured with Love!



Our Mission


The MFF Merchandise Is Just A Physical Representation of That Relationship. Fly Pieces, That You Look Good in All Awhile Reminding You Who You Are.  You’ll Be A Walking, Living, Breathing, Affirmation When You Rock It & Anybody Passing by Will Also Be Encouraged. The Idea Behind the MFF Brand Is to Build Everlasting Relationships Within A Community of Women Who Have Come, Are Ready to Come, & Who Will Come to Understand Who They Truly Are & What the Possess. We All Need Someone, We All Need That Friend! The MFF Community Intends to Build Those Friendships Worldwide So That We All Can Live the Life That God Intended for Us to Live. True Beauty Is Spirit, True Confidence & Boldness Comes from The Biggest G Himself & True identity Is Found in The One Who Created Us! This Journey Is One of Progression, NOT Perfection. The MFF Community Is Open to The Public, We Don’t Carry A “You Can’t Sit with Us” Mentality Because We Understand That There Is Power in Unity! Imagine A Room Full of Women with A Heart & Mind Like Our Lord & Savior, Being Fruitful, Multiplying and Having Dominion in The Earth Because We Actually Found Out Who We Are & What We Could Do! Can You See It? Looks Amazing Right? Good! Now Let’s Ride!